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When a Spinal Cord Stimulator May Be Necessary

SCS may be an option for patients with chronic pain conditions, especially those who have not responded to more conservative treatments. It is commonly recommended for:

  • Chronic back, neck, or limb pain, particularly after spine surgery (failed back surgery syndrome)
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Chronic neuropathic pain
  • Other conditions where pain persists despite conventional treatments

The Procedure

The implantation of a Spinal Cord Stimulator is typically a two-step process:

Trial Period

Before permanent implantation, a trial stimulator is placed to determine if the patient experiences significant pain relief. This involves inserting the leads and connecting them to an external trial stimulator.

Permanent Implantation

If the trial is successful, a permanent stimulator is implanted under the skin, usually in the abdominal or buttock area. The leads are placed in the epidural space near the spinal cord and connected to the pulse generator. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation.

Post-implantation Care and Recovery:

After the implantation, patients typically undergo a recovery period where they are monitored for pain control and any signs of complications. Adjustments to the stimulator settings may be made to optimize pain relief. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to ensure the device is functioning correctly and effectively managing the patient’s pain.

At Excel Health, our dedicated team of pain management specialists is committed to providing comprehensive care and support throughout the treatment process. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for our patients through effective and personalized pain management solutions, with a focus on innovative and advanced therapies like Spinal Cord Stimulators.

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