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When Cervical Disc Replacement May Be Necessary

Cervical disc replacement may be considered for patients experiencing:

  • Neck pain, arm pain, numbness, or weakness due to a damaged cervical disc
  • Conditions such as cervical degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, or cervical radiculopathy
  • Symptoms that have not improved with physical therapy, medications, or other non-surgical treatments

The Surgical Procedure

Undergoing cervical disc replacement surgery at Excel Health is a carefully planned and executed process. Patients are first placed under general anesthesia, ensuring comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The surgeon then makes a small, precise incision in the front of the neck. This approach allows direct access to the damaged cervical disc, which is carefully removed, along with any material compressing nearby nerves or the spinal cord. 

Next, the surgeon will place an artificial disc into the space left by the removed disc. This artificial disc is specially designed to mimic the natural disc’s size and function, with the goal of maintaining neck mobility. To complete the surgery, the incision is neatly closed with sutures or staples. Our minimally invasive technique is focused on reducing recovery time and minimizing postoperative discomfort for our patients.

Excel Health’s Approach

At Excel Health, our approach to cervical disc replacement focuses on:

  • Utilizing the latest advancements in artificial disc technology to ensure the best outcomes
  • Minimally invasive surgical techniques to reduce recovery time and postoperative discomfort
  • Personalized treatment plans, considering each patient’s specific condition and overall health

Post-surgical Care and Recovery:

The journey to recovery after cervical disc replacement varies for each patient but is typically smooth and well-supported at Excel Health. After the surgery, patients may expect a brief hospital stay for close monitoring. This period is crucial for ensuring a good start to the healing process.

Physical therapy soon becomes a key part of recovery, helping patients gradually regain strength and flexibility in their neck. Regular follow-up appointments are an integral part of post-surgical care, allowing our team to monitor the healing progress and the functionality of the artificial disc. 

Most patients find themselves returning to their normal activities quicker than they would have following traditional spinal fusion surgery, often within a few weeks.

At Excel Health, we are committed to providing each patient with comprehensive, personalized care throughout their recovery, ensuring they return to their daily routines with improved comfort and mobility.

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